Pasteljellies - Hello here is the long awaited post about my OF vip page that will be launching February 1st I wanted to explain how it will work and what you can expect from it To start off I will still have my free page be set up the same so the VIP page will be more of a bonus page I will be setting the subscription price to 10 and with that you get 2-3 free boudoir sets as well as lots of spicy but casual selfies similar to my patreon but only spicy content and bonus stuff like videos and selfies For those looking for the more lewd content i decided to offer it at a 10 discount on my VIP page For example if a set is 15 on my free only fans it will be only 5 on the VIP page and that will go for multiple sets through out the month That means if you like buying lots of content from me you will be getting a deal I hope that makes sense I know i mentioned that i was thinking about doing a higher sub price and having every be included on my page but after more thought I realized that would really restrict future content if i decided to go spicier I also wanted something similar to patreon where you could just pay a flat rate for certain content instead of having to pick with sets you want to buy I will still incorporate lots of free lingerie selfies and rewards for my top contributors each month- there are lots of ideas are rolling around in my head rn like lingerie of the week etc As for my Patreon there will be some changes coming February 1st as well After a lot of thought I ve decided to simplify my page even further to just have the spicy jelly tier and have it also set to 10- very similar to my vip page but with the occasional sfw wip post when i have those The reason I decided to do this is because i want to shift from doing lots of little cosplays to doing a few bigger projects Working on hiccup made me realize how much i missed doing these months long projects and having to pump out 2 smaller cosplays each month really conflicts with that and has been affecting the quality of said cosplays photoshoots That being said i will still be doing lingerie cosplays monthly for y all since those are a lot easier to keep up with and cosplays will still happen just on my own time I also will have the opportunity to reshoot alot of older cosplays with the extra time- hopefully that means higher quality content Anyways that was alot to read so thank you if you made it all the way to the end please let me know any questions at all and thank you for all your patience with these changes Read more