Thekinkyzebra - Let me get real with you beautiful people right quick play icon

Thekinkyzebra - Let me get real with you beautiful people right quick

0 views4 days ago


Thekinkyzebra - Let me get real with you beautiful people right quick I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which is why I look and move the way I do the reason I am so flexible Sounds fun but it s not it causes basically everything to start falling apart and rapid again inside while looking youthful with soft skin on the outside It has also given me something called a syrinx in my spinal cord this is a wicked condition that gives you nerve damage form inside the most important super highway in the human body As it grows I am in more and more intense pain and losing mobility I desperately need to see an EDS Syringomyelia neurosurgeon but there are only a handful and they are very expensive Please help me grow this page and buy my content so I have some chance at getting better I am very very sick I m not just one of these girls doing it to get rich this is really my only hope as the syrinx has left me so disabled I was no longer able to work in my field of passion massage therapy It has takes everything from be but i am trying very hard to fight it Please help me fight it Thank you all so much for being here I appreciate you more than you will ever know
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