Sinfulflower80 - So once again someone has reported me for requesting funds from my users which I do not except for if they use the subscription that is on the person subscribing I don t ask for funds unless I m doing a prize wheel or a special video So I m banned from posting pictures videos receiving funds requesting funds for 7 days So if you are unhappy with my page then please leave I was notified of this on Friday and have been fighting for two days now to figure out where or who is doing this as I deserve the right to know So until Friday you won t see anything posted Nothing I can do unless someone would like to tell me who is reporting me They have reported me on my snap chat pay pal and fans ly as well so seems like someone has an issue I have three people that have used all three so it s either going to be someone come clean or I delete all three enough is enough This is my job and it s not a joke for me