Priestess Yuzu

Priestess Yuzu


Total media contents: 29 videos and 387 photos
Total likes received: 217.9K
Subscription price: 0$
Total subscribers: ~3.4K
Estimated monthly income: ~0$

Biography and Life Story: Welcome to my Horny Temple, I am your High Priestess Yuzu and I will guide you through this cult of pleasure💜
Become my new loyal and devoted worshipper now, joining is free!🥰

I do :
- cosplay
- lewd photos
- lewd videos
- custom voice notes :
What makes me the most horny and wet is to read your kinky scripts in my sensual french accent voice, I love when you make me say dirty things to you 💦
I also love receiving tribute videos the most!!! If you're into that, share that with me ok?

What I don't do :
- no custom video content
- no porn
- no nudity
- no dick ratings (unless you commission me a script reading)
I reply to messages myself, I don't use agents pretending to be me. For this reason, I may reply slower than other creators but at least you have the guarantee that the replies you are getting are always mine.

Will send a thank you video for any gifters of my wishlist :

More info

Priestessyuzu's Newsfeed
